A “Tierra de nadie” (No one's land) is a territory who does not belong to a person or country. Starting with this idea we reflect on the space between two bodies as a space which is not yours or mine but does belong to us. We propose an exploration of this place, which is oniric but it is made by real places; it is a no-place, influenced by the depths of the ocean, the nature surrounding us and that inhabits us as a metaphor of the journey to one's inner self.

Tierra de nadie talks about beginnings and endings, distances, the different bodies that compose the body and the connections between them, it talks about unwritten rules, margins, shores, gatherings and disagreements, it talks about skins, the ocean, apneas and currents, the willing to leave and not coming back, it talks about limits, containments. But, above all, Tierra de nadie talks about the body, the body and its nature, and the politics among bodies. Because.. who owns a body?

Tierra de nadie is dance, voice, live music, nature, poetic atmospheres, strange bodies, evoking sounds and women who are also animals.

-Best dance music composition

Recommended show by SAREA, Basque Theatre network


Direction and texts Eva Guerrero  Choreography and performers Garazi Lopez de Armentia and Eva Guerrero  |  Musical creation and performers Carla Sevilla and Yolanda Bustillo  |  Custome design Azegiñe Urigoitia and Andoni Beitia  |  Setting design Silvia Corral  | Lighting design Arantza Heredia and Edu Berja  |  Production and booking Jemima Cano  |  Comunication Eider Zaballa

A project supported by Dpt of Culture of the Basque Government, co-produced by Teatro Arriaga and with support from Kurtzio Kultur Etxea, Zornotza Aretoa, Espacio Punto de Fuga and La Nave del Duende.



2023  23 Noviembre. Teatro Arriaga, Bilbao, Bizkaia.

2024  17 Febrero. Amurrio Antzokia. Amurrio, Araba | 22 Febrero. Biteri Kultur Etxea. Hernani, Gipuzkoa | 15 Marzo. Kultur Leioa. Leioa, Bizkaia | 16 Marzo. Social Antzokia. Basauri, Bizkaia | 16 Mayo. Felix Petite. Vitoria-Gasteiz | 18 Mayo. San Agustin.Durango, Bizkaia | 10 Octubre. Muxikebarri. Getxo, Bizkaia | 11 Octubre. Coliseo. Eibar, Gipuzkoa | 8 Noviembre. Lizeo Antzokia. Gernika, Bizkaia | 22 Noviembre. Zornotza Aretoa. Zornotza, Bizkaia.