ENTRE CUERPOS (AMONG BODIES) is a contemporary dance piece for outdoors or site specific. The proposal consist of a journey that talks about distances, margins, the different bodies within a body, the ocean, apneas and currents; it talks about limits and contentions.
ENTRE CUERPOS starts from the idea that a no man’s land is a territory that belong to no country or person. And from there, it says that the space between your body and mine is not yours nor mine but it belongs to both of us, at the same time. This show collects different materials fron the venue show “Tierra de nadie”(“No man’s land”) to suggest and speak on stage about body and its nature, about the politics of bodies.
Because… who owns a body?

Direction Eva Guerrero | Choreography and interpretation Garazi Lopez de Armentia and Eva Guerrero | Musical original Carla Sevilla and Yolanda Bustillo | Customes DOOS Colectivo | Photography Curruscu | Production Jemima Cano | Communication Eider Zaballa
A project with grants from Department of Culture of Basque Government with the co-production of Teatro Arriaga and supported by Kurtzio Kultur Etxea, Zornotza Aretoa, Espacio Punto de Fuga, and La nave del Duende.
2024 15 November. Labo XL. Donostia, Gipuzkoa PREMIER | 18 October. Tzan Tzan Jailadia. Barrundia, Araba PRE-PREMIER