
Gorpuztu  is a contemporary dance show with live music show that talks about the search of balance. It is a struggle to be calm, to silence the noise, to lighten the load and guilt, to find a place where the animal sleeps peacefully.
It is born from the research of the use of the body in certain moments in certain religions. Dividing the body in several pieces, observing movement actions at the prayer time and going through concepts such as guilt, penance, transcendence, love, submission...

Candidate show to MAX AWARDS 2020
-Best new authorship
-Best female dancer

Recommended show by SAREA, Basque Theatre network


26th of Aprill 2019. Barakaldo Theater, Bizkaia.





Juvenil - adulto


Photo Eva Guerrero

Creation and texts Eva Guerrero
Performer Garazi Lopez de Armentia
Choreography collective creation
Music creation and musical performers Cristina Samaniego, Nerea Alberdi, Carla Sevilla and Yolanda Bustillo
"Chinese internal styles" work Aritz Aresti
Costume design Azegiñe Urigoitia
Light design Arantza Heredia
Scenography design ATX Teatroa y DOOS Colectivo
Production Jemima Cano

A project funded by the Department of Culture of the Basque Goverment and supported by Garaion Sorgingunea, Espacio Punto de Fuga, La Nave del Duende and Teatro Barakaldo Antzokia.

Special thanks to: Coro Lipoveno Juravca, Comunidad Judía Progresista Betshalom de Barcelona, La Sabiduría de Nagarjuna Bilbao, Graciano Acosta,  Aritz Aresti, Majid Javadi, Achraf Abdeloihidin, Amaia eta Julia, Maite y Santi, Doltza, Aritz y Helena, Esti, Naia eta Mikel...



2021  27 Noviembre - Teatro de Zigoitia. Zigoitia, Alava | 22 Octubre - Zornotza Aretoa. Zornotza, Bizkaia | 9 y 10 Julio - Festival TAC. Valladolid | 20 Junio - Chillida Leku. Hernani, Gipuzkoa | 30 Abril - Teatro Coliseo. Eibar, Gipuzkoa | 7 Abril - Teatro Campos Eliseos. Bilbao, Bizkaia | 31 Enero - Sala BBK. Bilbao, Bizkaia.
2020  17 Diciembre - Teatro Ibañez de Matauco. Gasteiz, Araba  |  3 Octubre - Sala Berlanga. Madrid | 21 Febrero - Kultur Leioa. Bizkaia  8 Febrero - San Agustin Kulturgunea. Durango, Bizkaia  25 Enero - Amurrioko Antzokia. Amurrio, Araba  24 Enero - Modelo Aretoa. Zarautz, Gipuzkoa  |  12 Enero - Gezala Auditoriuma. Lezo, Gipuzkoa
2019  1 Diciembre - Garaion Sorgingunea. Ozaeta, Araba  |  9 Octubre - Teatro Arriaga Antzokia. Bilbao, Bizkaia  26 Abril - Teatro Barakaldo Anztokia. Barakaldo, Bizkaia.