Gorpuztu laburra


Gorpuztu laburra is a contemporary dance show thought to take place on the street or at site-specific places; it talks about the search for balance in one’s life.
It is a fight for being calm, for silencing the noise, for lightening the burden and guilt, for finding out a place where the animal sleeps quietly.
It was born from a research of the use of the body at certain moments in certain religions. 
By dividing the body into several parts, watching movement actions while praying and going through concepts such as guilt, penance, transcendency, submission… which are present in different religions, Gorpuztu was created.

It is funded by Dpto. de Cultura de Gobierno Vasco and supported by Garaion Sorgingunea, Espacio Punto de Fuga, La nave del Duende and Teatro Barakaldo Antzokia.


Creaiton Eva Guerrero  |  Performer Garazi Lopez de Armentia  |  Choreography creation collective  | Music creation Nerea Alberdi, Carla Sevilla, Yolanda Bustillo and Cristina Samaniego  | Music recording Estudio Blue Bayou  |  Work "estilos internos chinos" Aritz Aresti  | Choreography assistance Judit Ruiz  |  Custom design Azegiñe Urigoitia  |  Production Jemima Cano
Thanks to:
Coro Lipoveno Juravca, Comunidad Judía Progresista Betshalom de Barcelona, La Sabiduría de Nagarjuna Bilbao, Graciano Acosta, Aritz Aresti, Majid Javadi, Achraf Abdeloihidin, Amaia and Julia, Maite and Santi, Doltza, Aritz and Helena, Esti, Naia eta Mikel...

A project funded by Dpto. de Cultura del Gobierno Vasco and supported by Garaion Sorgingunea, Espacio Punto de Fuga, La nave del Duende and Teatro Barakaldo Antzokia.


2023  17th December - Antzokoh. Untza, Alava | 23th July - Sala Cuarta pared. Madrid | 15th June - Presentación kalerki. Zarautz, Gipuzkoa | 4th May - Espacio Kuna. Bilbao, Bizkaia.
2022  26th November - Antzokoh. Aramaio, Alava | 22th October - Antzokoh. Zalduondo, Alava | 3th September - Scena Natura. Bolgona, Italia | 02th September - Uda kalean. Bilbao, Bizkaia | 04th June - Uda kalean. Bilbao, Bizkaia.
2021  11th December - La Fundición Aretoa. Bilbao, Bizkaia | 25th July - Frontoia. Arrasate, Gipuzkoa | 20th-21th July - Uda kalean. Bilbao, Bizkaia | 02th July Kalealdi Jaialdia. Bilbao, Bizkaia | 29th June - Udan Jai. Sopela, Bizkaia | 23th May Lonbo Aretoa. Arrigorriaga, Bizkaia | 22th February - Sala Klub. Teatro Victoria Eugenia. Donostia, Gipuzkoa  |  16th-17th March - DFeria. Donostia, Gipuzkoa
2020  11th December - Espiral Contemporánea. Santander  |  31th October- Manuel Lekuona Antzokia. Lasarte, Gipuzkoa  |  2th October - Leioako Kaleko Arteak/Umore Azoka. Leioa, Bizkaia  |  20th August - Parque Aranbizkarra. Vitoria-Gasteiz. 
Works in progress 2019 14th November - Bizkaia Aretoa. Bilbao, Bizkaia  |  7th August - Dissidance. Córcega, Francia  |  26th July  - Azotea Tabakalera. Donostia, Gipuzkoa  |  13th April  - Baratza Aretoa. Vitoria-Gasteiz, Alava.